Monday, 27 May 2013

Embryo transfer and status of remaining embryos...

It's been a challenging few days. We arrived early for our embryo transfer on Friday morning (day 2) and after a short wait I was in stirrups ready for the doctor to arrive. The embryologist came in and explained the situation with our embryos. Basically they expected us to have 4-cell embryos at day 2 but we only had 1 x 3-cell and 3 x 2-cell embryos. They gave the 3-cell embryo a "7 out of 10" score and said that this was the one they would put back in. The procedure happened quite quickly- less than 2 minutes- and while I was lying there afterwards my husband and I spoke with the embryologist about the other embryos; including the non-ICSI ones that did not fertilise normally. The embryologist explained that the abnormally fertilised non-ICSI eggs contained one or three pro-nuclei rather than the normal two. He also said that he was unsure if the slower developing 2-cell embryos would catch up. I was told to continue with normal daily activity and that they would call me the following day to update me on the progress of the remaining embryos. I had to be in another city the next day for a pre-planned event and so got a lift with a friend for the 3 hour drive the same evening as my embyro transfer. I had terrible cramps during the drive and immediately regretted my decision. I was also worried about injecting the clexane without removing the air bubble but after much google searching I gave myself the injection. That night I woke in a frantic state at about 1:30am. I was extremely hot due to the fact that I had worn way too much to bed and could not get back to sleep after fearing that I had raised by core body temperature way too high and had consequently jeapordised the viability of our embryo. I stripped off my clothes and drank lots of water but remained awake for ages thinking that I had ruined everything. I tried to tell myself that it would be OK but felt terribly low all day Saturday. This wasn't helped by the fact that the embryologist called to say that it didn't look good for the three embryos in the lab who were still developing slowly (4 cell on day 3) and showed a lot of fragmentation. He guessed that they wouldn't make it to blastocyst stage but said he would call me back on Tuesday (day 6) to let me know how they had gone. So here I am on Monday night feeling pretty crappy. I'm trying to focus on what I have (an embryo inside) but can't help feeling dejected. My mind keeps jumping to the future and thinking that there must be something wrong with us to have 13 eggs and good looking sperm with only one semi-reasonable embryo and the rest abnormal. I thought I was prepared for bad results but I obviously wasn't and I am trying to process everything as best as I can without letting myself slip too far into 'pity party' mode. I wrote some positive affirmations down to keep me going and I am just hoping against hope that this little embie inside is ok...

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