Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Stimming: the good and the bad

Well I am on stimulation day 7 for my IVF cycle. I have been super cranky and have started to feel a bit bloated and sore but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good. For some reason I seem to have lost all my brain cells lately and made a mistake with my gonal-f injections when I started last Wednesday.  The nurse showed me how to inject 100 units using the pre-filled pen and I had to demonstrate that I could do it during the appointment. The crucial bit I obviously missed was that I did this ONCE a day (not twice like my Synarel) and so I went home that night and gave myself another shot. I did the same the next morning and it was only when I went to inject again the second night that the gonal-f pen ran out. Knowing that I only had four pens and over ten days of stimming I worked out that I wouldn't have enough medication. I went back through my paper work and read the highlighted section which clearly showed it was 100u once a day! I was so angry with myself and was also worried that I may have jeaporidised the IVF cycle. The nurse on call did not seem overly concerned when I rang her and just told me to return to the correct dosage the next day. I was supposed to go up to 150u per day that Sunday but I was told to stay with 100u until I could be checked at an ultrasound on Monday. The scan went well (despite my full bladder making it a tad uncomfortable) and I was told that I had 9 follicles on my right ovary, 4 follicles on my left ovary and an endometrial lining of 9.6mm. The follicles ranged in size from 4 to 12mm. I was told I could increase my gonal-f dose to 150u that night (last night).  have another scan on Friday so fingers crossed for a good follicle count and size :)

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